Helpful and Encouraging Thoughts on Change

Home » Helpful and Encouraging Thoughts on Change

I’ve never been a big fan of change.

I came across a good definition of change when I was reading an article from Joyce Meyer’s magazine (not sure who wrote it, since I ripped out the page).

It says: “Change means we stop doing something we’re doing and start doing something we aren’t doing. It’s letting go of something we like–to take hold of something we’re not sure about. This can also happen even if we haven’t enjoyed what we’ve been doing for the past 100 years. We can still be afraid to let go because even if we don’t like it, we at least know what it is. This fear of change can cause us to feel ripped apart and have a divided heart.

“Faith propels us to take a chance–to step out and find out. We need to be willing to try and risk being wrong–if that’s what it takes to find out what God has for us.”

Where Everything Makes Sense -- Thoughts, Musings and Tidbits

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