10/25/08 Pastor Tom Dushelle Anchors SLFC
Serving in Africa for 30+ yrs
Matt 12:33
Tree is known by fruit
Overflow of the abundance in heart the mouth speaks
People have self talk, how you feel about yourself when no one else is
I wish I would have…
You can change your self talk
Weight according to respect for a person
Good man out of good treasure in his heart does good things
Injunctions that come against us
How you react is up to you
Same thing – opp to overcome or ruin forever
Whatever decision you make a stronghold develops, good or bad
Your script is what you believe in your heart
James 3:13
Earthly wisdom – become devilish
Wisdom from heaven pure, gentle, peaceable
World is suffering – from sin of duplicity
Segregated or integrated life
Whole or divided person?
Segregrated person – Personal relationship – private interpretation
Integrated life – all the time, same all the time
Jesus was lamb and the lion
Prophets and law
Don’t be rigid- God may show up in way don’t expect
What do you believe?
Not what you believe, but what you do about what you believe
Segregated life – we they attitude
Integrated – we attitude, solution makers
Independent or interdependent
Together we can do more
Segregated – under law, obligation, have to
Integrated – freedom, get to
Rock the world
Segregated – external approach – shirt police
Forget what’s going on internally
End up in judgement, appearances
Integrated- what is in your heart that counts
Constant, same person
Guard your heart – be constant in who you are
Authoritarian or servant leader – under law Sunday Christianity
Love Jesus all the time
Doctrine or purpose driven – want to see their heart, God will take
care of doctrine
Armor, shield of faith, affirmations are important, do something
wrong- that’s not like me, next time I’m going to …
Fill yourself up with the word
Put good things in your heart
(notes taken on Sonia’s iPhone. Please exuse any errors or inconsistencies!)