11/2/08 Pastor Jeff SLFC Sunday 3rd service: Walk in a Manner Worthy of the Calling

Home » 11/2/08 Pastor Jeff SLFC Sunday 3rd service: Walk in a Manner Worthy of the Calling

11/2/08 Pastor Jeff SLFC Sunday 3rd service

Eph 4:1 “Walk in a manner worthy of the calling.”

1 Thess 2:12 for you recall our labor and hardship… So you would
walk in a manner worthy of the God who calls you
God’s called us to walk The walk

Eph 5:2 the love walk

Be imitators of God as beloved children

His dad was a water skier, because of leg missing because cancer, dad
limped, so they limped (imitating)

Come to me all who are weary … Learn from me, learning how to please

Faith works through love,
Love as Christ loved us

Opposite of a grudge or bitterness or wrath or malice be put away from

Never forget that you’ve been forgiven the 10 billion debt by the Lord
– his dad decided: I’m over it.
– won’t do you any good to harbor resentment

At a certain point, God had Pastor Jeff apologize to someone, took 10
yrs to understand

See to it that no root of bitterness springs up
God revealed to me that I was wrong, the person said no I was wrong,
wrong for judging and evaluating the person

As much as it depends on you, be in peace with all men
Be quick to forgive
Forgiven as Christ has forgiven us
Forgive and walk in mercy- will not carry bitterness

Pressure comes in close relationships
Unity in spirit

Eph 4?
Showing tolerance in love, diligent to preserve unity of spirit in peace

You were being ignorant – assume people didn’t mean to do something

Feeling 100% right – perspective, conviction, God showed him

Love walk worthy in the kingdom
Next time offended, remember that person is someone who Christ died for

Both are very strong willed, both Jeff and Patsy
Ok to have a problem, but not ok to get stuck there

Mustard seed same – real deal

1 Cor 13:4-8 love is patient, kind,.. Love doesn’t take into account a
wrong suffered
We’re in an amazing season

Resolve so you move into the next level
V5 doesn’t take into account a wrong suffered. I forgive because Jesus
forgave me. Daily decisions pressing into God.

Kim Fuk – was bitter, called out to a 1000 gods, encounter with Jesus,
freed her from anger and bitterness

Corrie Ten Boom – met prison guard, called out to God
Love of God shed abroad in our hearts
Bear no grudge – big offenses, forgive as God in Christ has forgiven you

I can do something about me, not anything you can do about them

Overcome evil with good
Who else can pray for them, who else knows

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