Red Potatoes Make Gluey Mashed Potatoes

Home » Red Potatoes Make Gluey Mashed Potatoes

In prep for Thanksgiving, I bought a bag of red potatoes at Costco. I primarily bought red potatoes because they are small, and I was hoping to avoid having to cut up the potatoes for mashed potatoes.

However, as I was looking for an Instant Pot mashed potato recipe, I kept seeing blogs saying to avoid waxy potatoes like red potatoes.


So I went ahead with the red potatoes for our Thanksgiving Mashed potatoes.

Instant Pot Recipe for Mashed Potatoes

I took the advice of Sherry Keller from the Instant Pot Community Facebook group:

Peel and cut red potatoes. Add water to liner. Place potatoes in steamer or on trivet. HP 8-10 minutes, NPR. Remove from liner, add milk, butter, s/p and mash. Family lives them! And, they are not water logged!

I believe I cooked them for over 10 minutes as I didn’t want to deal with undercooked potatoes.

The result

The mashed potatoes tasted great. However, the texture was glue-like. I prefer the more fluffy mashed potato.

I forgot to take a photo. However, everyone ate them and there was hardly anything left, so I think it’s still a win.

Note for Next Time:

Buy Idaho potatoes and compare the texture.

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